Need a boost sexually?: Try these fruits and vegetables!!

Hey guys  I'm new here but since Ziggy asked for my opinion on this topic well here it is...I'm sure today's topic will interest you why ? Because it's what a lot of us are finding hard to wrap our minds around. I'm just here to give very useful tips about our sexual health and lifestyle that you might fine easy to understand and very useful because in our daily lives these fruits and veggies we take for granted are more beneficial than we know..I hope we will be able to understand the benefits and make good use of it.

Nuts and seeds:

Instead of candy, snack on a handful of nuts and seeds. Cashews and almonds are chock-full of zinc, while a host of healthy snacks contain L-arginine to get your blood flowing. Try the following:
•hazelnut etc.

Walnuts are doubly helpful in the love department, as they are also rich in omega-3s.

Eating spinach, a green rich in appetite-suppressing compounds, can not only make you look better naked but increase blood flow below the belt. “Spinach is rich in magnesium, a mineral that decreases inflammation in blood vessels, increasing blood flow,” “Increased blood flow drives blood to the extremities, which, like Viagra, can increase arousal and make things more pleasurable,” says Tammy Nelson Ph.D. Spinach is also rich in folate, which increases blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect you against age-related sexual issues. Some of us might not know but we eat spinach a lot especially in our native soups like vegetable soup and egusi.

Watermelon is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make things get up and stay up. Once it’s in the body, it converts to L-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow.

Green tea: The brew is rich in compounds called catechins, which have been shown to blast away belly fat and speed the liver’s capacity for turning fat into energy. But that’s not all: Catechins also boost desire by promoting blood flow to your nether region. “Catechins kill off free radicals that damage and inflame blood vessels, increasing their ability to transport blood,” says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of Healthy Simple Life. “Catechins also cause blood vessel cells to release nitric oxide, which increases the size of the blood vessels, leading to improved blood flow,” she explains. Blood flow to the genitals = feeling ofexcitement, so sipping the stuff will, well, make you want to get it'll it is advised to take four cups a day. 


Hard men have healthy hearts, so eat bananas for potassium, which is great for your heart and circulation. Getting enough potassium helps keep your sodium levels under control, stopping your blood pressure from hitting the roof and reducing your risk of heart problems. If you eat too much salt and don’t like bananas, get your potassium from oranges or jacket potatoes (the mineral’s in the skin).

Dark chocolate: 

There’s a reason chocolate became a gift given before amorous activity. Cacao increases levels of the mood-boosting hormone serotonin, which can lower stress levels, boosting desire and making 
it easier to reach orgasm. And that’s not all: Cocoa also increases blood flow through the arteries and relaxes blood vessels, sending blood to all the right regions, which can boost pleasure.

If You didn't know you know now!!
Till next time thanks for viewing..

For full details of food benefits and recipes visit my blog:
IG@ __anikeade
Food page @ tosinfoodie. 


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