Make Up & Transformation

What is Make up?

If I ask a guy this question his replies will be like " Make up is a Lie, Make up is Deception Make up is this & that".
While if I ask a girl this same question her reply would be " Make up is an Art, Make up is Transformation, Make up is bringing the most out of a person, funny shey?

But here's the real Definition of Make up
Make up is the "Enhancing" or "Altering of the natural appearance of a person through the use of cosmetics applied to the face.

In the olden days when make up erupted, the idea was to put a little on the face which would bring attraction from men, then a little became a lot and then that just became an unmeasurable quantity on the face.
But now which I mean 2018, make up is not only dedicated to women any longer we have some very weird men who wear them, I have even met some and trust me it's not a sight you'll love to remember. One is even Bob Risky sef I don't know whether I should call that one man or woman.

Worst case scenario:
When you are on a date with you current Friend who you are planning on making your Girlfriend wears Bad make up... Like it will be so hard to tell her.

What is too much with make up?

1.  When you don't look like you
         A lot of people thinks make up is to alter their face completely into another looking being but they are wrong, Make up is made to enhance and not to completely alter. Actually am not always afraid of Nigerian Make up artist like that because I have seen some other countries makeup that I was mouth-dropped for like 1hour countries like China Japan etc, those ones it's like the model just put her face into a whole calabash of clay πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
It has even gotten to a stage that people sleep with make up like that one is not even enough they did water resistant make up.

2.  Shaving off God given Eye brows.
        Like seriously this one gets my 16 nerve, girls will shave their God given Eye brows just to paint it back. Like that one is not OK these days some girls shave the God given one and tattoo the one they like... this world sha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

3.  Tribal Marks.
       The ones who hide their Tribal marks with this make up. Azin that one is completely FRAUD why would a person do that kind of thing.  When you now wake up in bed with that kind of person in the morning you will be thinking it's your eyes that needs Optical care.

But truly I have no offence with girls who use make up, so far it's just Enhances her Beauty and not Transform her from her real face to her unreal face.

So what do you Think about Make up and if ypu think is alright How much is?
And if you a Guy do you prefer your girl with make up or without them.


  1. If I were to be a guy, I'm not sure I would really mind any(that's if or not my girl wishes to use makeup). As a girl I wear makeups not because I'm not pretty, not because I want to OR don't want to enhance my beauty but because it makes me happy. We all have our different point of view and purpose for the use of makeup so I'm just talking on my own point of view

    1. Your point of view is okay but I have a question.
      How does it make you happy?

    2. Being pretty is one thing, being prettier is another. I agree with the transformation it gives, yeah, but looking at the mirror to something new to admire makes a person happy. I don't know of you but I really love admiring myself. I guess that's why makeups makes me happy

    3. Sorry to pry in just like that..
      But how can make up make you happy?
      Because me I'm not understanding oo.. If u are pretty u are, make adds nothing to ur health or life span so y do u actually need it to make you happy??

  2. A really nice write up!!! Totally in support of your true definition of make up!!! I don't see make up as a bad thing tbh. If you do it right, like you said it only brings about enhancement that's all!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love this write up... Azin make up should be Ban.
    I've gone out with a girl twice with different names and looks.

  5. I love thisπŸ˜‚
    Even tho m nat a fan of make up I believe it brings out a girl's beauty but when it is too it's just disgusting
    But seriously this is my best topicπŸ’œπŸ˜Š good workπŸ™Œ

  6. Mary-jane Uchechi11 January 2018 at 17:57

    Nice article dear, well for me make up is good though, it helps brighten up your looks. But what I'm against is the abuse of it, girls use too much of it and it tends to render them unattractive. Secondly, using make up all the time damages the skin on the face, it seals sweat pores thereby overheating it from the inside which may result to skin cancer. So girls take it easy on the make up, if u go out with your real face you won't die πŸ™„πŸ˜‰

    1. Awwn, I love this.
      Thank you for your opinion. πŸ™‚

  7. To be honest makeup has helped enough gitls lifr than it can ever destroy it

  8. Makeup is the biggest scam

  9. Makeup is my thing
    I can't date a girl who doesn't apply make because makeup brings out the beauty in ladiesπŸ’―


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