Am  always here, creating time out of my most useful life is to touch TOPICS which other people aren't courageous to touch , which makes me the smartest person on earth.πŸ˜‹
So today we gonna be talking about the long debated topic "ABSTINENCE" is there any point of it? Who actually does it? Does it work? Why on earth are you doing it to yourself?
But first we would like to know what Abstinence is.

I like rephrasing Abstinence as a drug people take to stop having "sex" but based on dictionary...
...Abstinence is the practice of restraining oneself from something. Typically ALCOHOL or SEX.

Do you think MASTURBATION helps in ABSTAINING?

For your information masturbation is another way of sex. It's personal sexual pleasure so if you masturbate in the sense that you are abstaining from getting laid your are definitely fooling around. If the goal is to abstain, abstain fully.
"You can't CUM and say you are not CUMMING" you are an OVERCOMERπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Abstinence in MARRIAGE is it HELPFUL?

To me I think so, in life too much of everything is not good so i feel at some time there should be abstinence where the two couples involved would REINVENT things and get settled, relaxed and prepared for the next adventure coming.

When is it the right time to start having SEX?

A guy asked me this question based on the pre-post on Abstinence and i was forced to bring it up on here. To me i think there is no certified time to start having sex, its an individual something although it's been considered from being 18+ as the legal way but seriously i think it has to be individual. Don't quote me wrong here saying this doesn't mean a 6 years old child should go and have sex, am only saying.

Is ABSTINENCE always healthy? 

Definitely not, for men have seen a lot of research where you have to Ejaculate often to prevent a lot of things and by a lot of things i mean diseases and stuffs, and you know the saying "all things have advantages and disadvantage".

So drop your thoughts on this lets chat.πŸ™‚


  1. Good one
    Totally support you πŸ‘

  2. Keep it up fam bigger you we pray πŸ™ πŸ’ͺ

  3. Nice one here πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ keep it up

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