What is a BUCKET LIST?

This are things you would love to do before you kick the bucket apart from your life goals or careers OR
they are things you do before you go and meet God but still hopes he FORGIVES you for doing. πŸ‘€ 🌚 
This things could be DANGEROUS, EXTREME or IMPOSSIBLE, just something you feel you must do before leaving Earth.

Do you feel BUCKET LIST is essential?

I don't feel its essential, but i feel if we are to be discussing in heaven there should be some kind of stuffs you would say that would be like a life achievement... like saying "i visited all continents in the world and all states in Nigeria" or saying "i swam in the Atlantic ocean" sounds fun right. All this doings will make oneself feel so fulfilled and happy.

Things I would love to have on my BUCKET LIST?

1. I would love to travel round the world (like seriously who doesn't want this?)
2. I would love to skydive from a plane and land in waterπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
3. I would love to swim the Atlantic Pacific oceans and also the Persian Gulf
4. I want to climb the great wall of China
5. I just wanto beat Bob risky till he dies  (Note: this is the most important πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

Some people thinks Bucket list are for the DYING or OLD, but i think otherwise, what can you really do when you on a sick bed or when you are using a walker, bending over like a catfish or, have you ever seen an old woman climb Mount  Everest? If you wait till you get old before you get yourself a bucket list or you start getting down the list just to wait till your are old before you perform them you just wasting your time and effort.

Do's and Don'ts

1. Don't wait till you are old.
Make them achievable ones. ( Like don't put ones you yourself know it's Impossible to achieve due to situation. Like..."I want to be President of America one day" when you very well know that you don't have an American Passport, like who do you want to decieve?)

2. Make your Bucket list challenging, so it makes you come out of your comfort zone a little bit.
Don't make you Bucket list about other people, because i            know some boys right now are saying no.1 on ther bucket        list is to smash that girl, bro chill thats not the challenge i          was talking about she might not agree. Or another one is  saying she wants TREY SONGS as her boyfriend, madam go and look for Umwopopoko Chinedu he's the one God prepared for you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Comment your own Do's and Don'ts let's learn together πŸ™‚πŸ€—. 


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