First of, let me start by explaining what "excuse" define.

An Excuse is using ANYTHING to get out of SOMETHING.
It's aslo a phrase or action said or done trying to COVER-UP your MESS-UP.

Are EXCUSES healthy?

Sure they are. They are super healthy, well in some scenario though. Imagine you're late to work because you woke up late, knowing fully well if you tell your Boss that, you're sacked, or you could not finish your project in time and submitted late and you definitely have to say something before it's collected by the teacher😏.
I'm not saying giving EXCUSES at all time is good am only saying they are needed in some cases.
My girlfriend can't just slide into my DM sees how am chatting with my friends (girls to the precise) and ask me watsup and I will be like they are my friend, I will just become capital letter X. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Do men give more excuses than women?

Actually I feel women give more excuses than men, men only gives more stupidier excuses than women, and that use to be very painful trust me.
I was following a trend on twitter where someone tweeted write the stupidest excuse you have heard and a girl replied "I saw him with my ATM card and he was like he wanted to fan himself" I nearly fainted that day.
With girls I think they are more emotional about their excuses they will be like "Babe I don't know what happened, but you know I still love you, you are the love of my life" If I'm wrong correct me Biko (please).

Most used "EXCUSES".

1.   I'm on my period.
2.   I'm not feeling well.
3.   I DONT give head.
4.   Folarin made me do it.
5.   I didn't see your missed call.
6.   I didn't know what I was doing.
7.   I was caught in Traffic.
8.   I'm not around town.
9.   I just woke up.
10. ATM is not dispensing. ETC.

Fun Facts: There is a Jewish saying "The truth doesn't always benefit your close relationship the best" so it's not like you lie, but deferring the truth to be told a later time is sometimes nessesary..


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