Whats is a SEX DOLL.

        A sex doll is a type to sex toy in the size and shape of a sexual partner in the aid of masturbation.

Can SEX DOLLS replace women?

        Hell "NO" in capital letters. God knows  why he put women there and not "sex dolls" or why he gave us hands for masturbation and not "sex dolls". Fine is was a nice idea to enhance masturbation (have not used it though), but I'm definitely sure it can never be compared or replaced to women. Like seriously can you replace masturbation to normal "BANGING"? Me i sha can't o.

Types of SEX DOLLS.
        Ever since the invention of SEX DOLLS as a whole there has been other developments like d bringing of different types Eg
The Silicone Sex doll:
      Heard this one is sofer and more realistic, than their plastics counterparts, yes they are all plastic, another thing that bothers me is where the sperms lands when released, will talk about that later though.
TPE Sex dolls:
      This one is Similar to the SILICONE sex dolls just more softer and pliable than it. It tends to take impression of what it touches including clothes. This ones are generally posable, with metal skeleton like the silicone case, which makes them a bit heavy.
Then this remaining two go check them on google
Blow up Sex doll, and
Cloth and stuffed sex doll.

Then about the sperm thing i would leave it for you guys to answer๐Ÿ˜‹

Can a Sex Doll FOREPLAY?
       Another very important question.
You see in this life i came to, i came to understand that foreplay is very needed not only in the aspect you are thinking right now but so other aspects but most especially the one you are thinking about. How can you have sex with a doll that hasn't gotten you wet (talking about girls now) like they didn't teach you FRICTION in school? Please rectify your decision.

If you have other ideas why it should be discarded or not please Enlighten US.


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