Why Men "CHEAT".

Fun Facts: It is better to love one woman in a million ways than to love many the same way.

First of all what is CHEATING?

Cheating has a lot of definitions like, to avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill, OR to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain advantage and some other meaning in different scenarios but the CHEATING we are talking about right now is based on relationship and I would define it to the best I can.
Cheating based on relationship is defined as a person or someone who is in a committed relationship and breaks the trust of his/her partner by getting physically or emotionally involved with another person, there is a OR there to show that it doesn't really have to get physically before the person is considered a CHEAT Emotions too are involved.

Who CHEATS the most between men and women?

To be fucking honest, in history time it is men who cheats the most but these days women are taking the lead, not as if am taking sides but just judging through recent report and analysis. I asked a few people this question before writing this post guys and girls the guys were like women cheat more while men just have a one night stand stuff, then come to think about it, it's true u can see a woman who is in a serious relationship having three kids for three different people. It's very bad Biko.
The girls i asked were in defensive mode "guys are the cheats, they cheat the most this that" we all know about that.πŸ™„

Why do Men cheat?
1.   Most men cheat because of VARIETY. A guy explained this stuff using food he said "at home you eat the normal rice and stew, plantain and egg, beans and garri, yam and stew and so on but there would be a time that it would be sharwama, pizza and other things that would be hungrying you so u will just have to go outside to get it" not a nice talk shey? But it's the truth.
2.  Women let them. I have a heard weird gist that if a man cheats it's because his partner let him maybe she's not treating him right or giving him his due time or something like that. So tge man goes out of the relationship to look for those things outside
3.  No reason. Some men just Cheat because they want to and this kind of people makes me think whether their brain is hidden in coconut leaves.

Fun Facts: Men get praised for the number of women they get in bed while the opposite is the case when it comes to women.

What should a man do when he's caught cheating?

1.  He should never turn the psychology (i.e saying all those trash like you were never there for me and the rest because its vice-versa there were also some times you were not there for her.
2.  Beg. I know some Men would be swearing for me right now but to be very honest if you are caught red-handed you shouldn't try and defend yourself but beg, so even if she has plans of forgiving you she would.

Tip of the day:

Stop catching headache on why men cheat if he does its because he wants to. A real man knows the dignity attached to staying faithful.

Question For You?

Is this saying correct?
"Once a Cheat Always A Cheat".


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